Scientific-methodological electronic journal «Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan»

№ 4 (23) / 2018

Issue date: 10.10.2018

 Cover and content

Issue articles:

Expressing Aspectual Composition

Observations over Some Morphological Phenomena of the Embassy’s Book on Ties of Russia and Khivа 1682–1684 Years

The Issues on Grammatical Status Adjective Le in the French Language

Symbolical Significance of Mythologico-religiously Marked Linguistic Units

Typology Poly Vertex Derivational Nests of the Modern Russian Language

Metaphor Role in Interpretation of Economic Realities in Group of Terms “Para” (money) in Modern Turkish Language


Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of the Functioning of Phraseological Combinations in Literary Text

Semantic Approach to the Study of the Expression of Conditionals in Linguistics

Peculiarities of Functioning Military Terms and their Variation

Phraseologisms with Component “Um” in Russian Business Documents of the XVII–XVIII cc

Studying the Features of the National Mentality in its Interaction with the Language Picture of the World

A System that Means Expression “Mode of Action” in the Uzbek Language

“Trajector/ Landmark” and “Profile/ Base” Binary Distinctions as the Tools of Cognitive Linguistic Analysis

The Functioning of the Particles, Say, Like in Modern Russian Diplomatic Discourse

Linguistic Parallelism in the English-Language Poetic Text: Cognitive-stylistic Potential and Interpretation

The Language of the Genre of the Comment in the Press

Lexico-semantic Peculiarities of Economic Terms with Somatic and Zoonomy Components in Translation from English into Uzbek

Word-Formative Features of Russian and Uzbek Languages in the Aspect of Gender Asymmetry

Lexico-Semantic Features of Expressing the Meaning of Wisdom in Uzbek and English Languages

Linguocultural Peculiarities of Addressing Forms in the English and Uzbek Languages

Theoretical Problems of Literature Teaching Methodology at School

On Specialized Exercises for Improvement Quality of Student’s Speech

Methodology of Using Interactive Methods in Training Russian Language

Teacher Competence in Information and Communication Technologies

Using Rubrics in Effectively Assessing and Improving Students’ esp Writing Performance

What is Most Workable for Successful Classroom Management?

On Teaching Students Analyzing Works at Literature Lessons

Preparatory Exercises for Developing oral Translation

Expressions and Peculiarities of Translation of Special Tourism Terms

Statement of Problems of National Identification in the Press of Kazakhstan in the Period of Soviet “Stagnation”

Turkish Thematics in Uzbek Travel Visits

Internet Journalism of China and Problems of National Self-Consciousness

Environmental Journalism: Theoretical-Methodological Basis

Manipulation in the Media

The Problems of the Turkic Aruz in the Work of Sheikh Ahman Tarazi “Funun Ul-Baloga” (Treatise on Poetics)

Gazelle and Its Investigation in Navoi’s Works

Symbol of Spatial Images in Novel by John Steinbek “The Winter of our Discontent”

Poetics of Narrative Poetry

Uzbek- French Relations as a Binding Part of International Cultural and Historical Experience

Communicating, Sharing and Exchanging of Knowledge through Travelling

History – Literature – Art: Unknown Pages of the Life and Work of Russian-speaking Writers and Artists of Uzbekistan (in the Light of the Cultural Conceptual Approach)

Expression of Oriental Philosophical Thought in “Danishname”

On the Monograph О.О. Chuponov, “Ambassadorial Books on Russia’s Relations with Khiva and Bukhara, 17 Century. As a linguistic source” (Tashkent, 2018. – 132 p.)

A Scientist who Enlightened the Souls with the Light of Knowledge. Suyima Ganieva (1932–2018)



Multi-faceted creativity of the Karakalpak Poet Tleubergen umamuratov