Article requirements
Dear authors!
Articles of students, master’s students, senior researchers, applicants for a scientific degree, teachers, candidates and doctors of science, scientists engaged in scientific research are accepted for publication. All materials of the authors receive expert evaluation of the editorial board of the journal. The journal numbers are formed from articles approved by the editorial board.
The volume of the text of the article – 12-15 pages. Articles for publication and information about the author (s) should be sent via the by email: or
Information about the author(s) should include:
- First name, middle name, last name
- Scientific degree (if available)
- Academic degree (if available)
- Position
- Place of work (full name of the organization being represented (university) indicating the city and country
- Email address
- Contact phone number
- Color photo (scanned, good quality)
Requirements for the design of articles
- Text editor –Microsoft Word.
- Format – A4
- Fields – 2 cm. from all sides
- Font – Times New Roman (if necessary – another, if the font is not on the list of generally accepted ones, it should be sent as a separate file).
- Font size for the text of the article is 14, for metadata – 12
- Line spacing – 1.15 for the text of the article, for metadata – 1.
- Paragraph indent is25.
- Orientation is portrait, without page layout, without hyphenation, without page footnotes.
- Graphs, tables and figures are black and white, with no color fill.
- Before the title of the article you must specify UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
- The title of the article is centered, without indentation, in capital letters.
- Name, middle name, surname of the author(s), position, full name of the organization being represented (university) – to the right-hand, in lower case letters.
- Abstract of the article in Uzbek, Russian and English (font 12, single spacing). The abstract contains a description of the main theme, the purpose of the work and its results. The annotations indicate that this article carries a new thing in comparison with other related topics. The recommended average annotation volume is 200 words.
- Key words and phrases (at least 5–7) in three languages – Uzbek, Russian, English.
- The text of the article – width alignment.
- The structure of the article: in the article must be selected Headings, Introduction, Main part, Conclusion.
In the introductory part you need to justify the relevance of the development of the topic and its novelty, to set the goal and objectives of the study. In the main part of the article it is necessary to reveal the methods of researching the problem, the results obtained. In the final part, you need to summarize, formulate conclusions, recommendations, indicate possible areas for further research.
- The names and initials of the authors are written separately – A.N. Nurmatov (in the article), Nurmatov A.N. (in the list of references).
- References are formatted in the following pattern: (1, 195), (3, 20; 7, 68), (4).
- The list of references is given in alphabetical order at the end of the article in the form of a numbered list (font 12, single interval) and includes only the sources used in the preparation of the article, marked directly in the body of the article.
The literature used is also provided in transliterated form (see Appendix 1).