Scientific-methodological electronic journal «Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan»
№ 3 (7) / 2015
Issue date: 14.05.2015
Cover and contentIssue articles:
For teachers of foreign languages with reference to the CEFR
Interview with Mirabbas Iriskulov. “In the very near future we shall develop UZBEK ENGLISH”
Interview with Dr. Seol Wontai (South Korea) “Foreign languages education leads to country development”
Interview with Ibrokhim Gafurov. “Literary translation is not plagiarism”
The text consisting of a single word in askia
Usage of meliorative vocabulary in German language
Pragmatic peculiarities of english business letters
Cognitive semantic analysis of field (on the material of Russian language)
Governing conditions in cognitive semantics
Main concepts and features of cognitive linguistics and linguaculturology
To development the methods and principles of comparative-typological study of paralinguistic means
The zoonimic metaphors аnd zoosomatisms in the Spanish and Uzbek linguistics
Teaching foreign languages at pre-school educational institutions
Current status of teaching english for specific purposes at economic universities
Project based learning in teaching english as a foreign language
Specialized professional competence as a criterion in demand of personnel
Psychological issues of learning foreign languages
Problem of realia in translation studies and linguaculturology
How as an economist Adam Smith confused the matter
Gustave Flaubert and Velimir Khlebnikov. Intertextuality meeting. Continuation
. Concept of the Uzbek literary process in the end of XX – beginning of XXI century
On the history of minarets
Praise as motivation: theoretical and practical aspects
About Sindhi philology
Linguaculturological features of medical terms connected with color
Features of internet advertising language
Methods of consecutive translation
Vladimir Pozner: about journalism
Interpretation of the characters of heroes
“Foreign language for children”
“Foreign language for children”
“Game as a leading method of teaching a foreign language preschool and primary school”: A Collection of Communicative games
“My first linguistic portfolio”
Life, dedicated to the beloved work. On the 70th anniversary of the M. S. Sattarov
In memory of Azad Nasretdinovich Shamatov