Scientific-methodological electronic journal «Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan»
№ 6 (14) / 2016
Issue date: 27.11.2016
Cover and contentIssue articles:
Republican Scientific-Practical Centre for Developing Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages – a new step on the way of changing and implementation of educational reforms
Teaching foreign languages in the level of international standards as a factor of organization of education quality management system
Interview with Sardor Khusanov, graduate student of the Tashkent chemical technologies institute: One in a Thousand — Foreign Language Essay Contest Winner from Uzbekistan Shares His Thoughts
Linguaculturology as a Modern Branch of General Linguistics
Pecularities of using metaphor and metanomy in the process of linguistic melioration
The Main Theoretical Problems of Corpus Linguistics
Theory of mental spaces and theory of conceptual blending
Stylistic peculiarities of the language of modern Chinese newspaper
Allusion and language game in intertextual newspaper headings
On the concepts of correspondence and equivalence in contrastive linguistics
Proper nouns and problems of their translation in English and Uzbek
Role of national-cultural factors in teaching foreign language
Teaching methods and classification of neologisms in modern Spanish
English scientist-pedagogue and methodologist Michael West
Integrating Project Based Learning in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classes
Influence of movies in teaching integrated skills
Teaching English vocabulary through multimedia
Role of pedagogical androgogics in teaching foreign languages
Media Education in Uzbekistan: tendencies, issues, prospects
Enlightening of the topic of traditions related to nature and space in the “Gulistan” journal
Axiological dominants in the novels of F. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” and U. Hamdam “Rebellion and humility”
Ontological issues in the stories of V. Pelevin
On the issue of studying the system of values in prose of L.Ulitskaya
Arabisms in Spanish
On teaching foreign languages with Google Plus
The Unique Photo Exhibition of the King of Thailand in Tashkent
“Common European Framework of References: learning, teaching, assessment”. Chapter 4: Language use, language user/learner. 4.2 Communication themes (Translated by Nargis Kosimova)
Kindergarten is Too Late. Continuation (translated by Nargis Kosimova)
Darya SOKOLOGORSKAYA. Functional illiteracy (Translated by Nazira Toshpulatova)
ACADEMICIAN – MENTOR OF SCIENTISTS. Azizkhon Kayumov, Honoured Worker of Sciences of Uzbekistan, who was awarded the Order “Buyuk Hizmatlari uchun” (“For Distinguished Service”), academician is 90 years old
Reading in a Foreign Language and Its Role in Teaching the English Language at Non-Рhilological High Schools
Strategies of Translation of the Author Neologisms
Literature – an Integral Part of Future Masters Training
Optimization of Linguo-Cultural Competence of Future Teachers of Foreign Language
Syntagmatic Characteristics for the Lexical Microsystem of Verbs of Motion
Common cultural context in the formation of a scientific outlook of young students