Scientific-methodological electronic journal «Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan»

№ 3 (11) / 2016

Issue date: 12.05.2016

 Cover and content

Issue articles:

On Implementation of Foreign Languages Teaching and Education Reforms at the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

ociolinguistic features of texts written by users of English franca system

Combination with Functional Verbs and Their Difference from Independent and Phraseological Combinations

Initial Interpretations of Nominative Action.

Aspectual semantics jf the verb Kommen

Elements of Conversational Speech in Works of Folk Art

Elements of Conversational Speech in Works of Folk Art

impliciteness, implication, implicit, prediction, emotional content, implicit content of notion, subtext

Linguistic-Cognitive Analysis of Phrases with the Word “Hand”

The Study of Discourse in Modern Linguistics

Semantic and Phraseological Units with the Word “Hand” as Means of Expressing Individual’s Personal Qualities

Possibilities of Increasing the Level of English Proficiency

Modern Criteria of Assessment of Open Lessons

Traditions of European Translation Theory

linguistic safety, excessive use of information, openness of information, principles of democratization, censure, mentality, globalization, professional ethic, state secret

Journalist’s Image in Media: contemporary status of the national journalism

Role of Khodjanar Khuvaydo’s works in Kokand literature surrounding


“Сommon European Framework References in the context of political and educational: learning, teaching, assessment”

On Using Case Study Educational Technologies in Teaching Foreign Language

Literary expression of “Армон асираси” (“Captive of Regret”) Novel

Formation Principles of Romantism in French, German and English literature

International Conference in Kiev commemorating 575th anniversary of Alisher Navoi

International Scientific and Practical Conference On Universal and National Values in the Great Silk Road: language, education and culture

XII Vinogradov Conference

Proverbs and Phraseologisms Describing the Woman’s Character. (By the example of French language)

Interview with Andrew Alexander Mobbs, English Language Fellow, SamSIFL “My Teaching Experience at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages”

Modal Verbs of French Language in Anaphoric Function

Contamination of Phraseological Units as а Mean of Creating Humorous Effects.