Scientific-methodological electronic journal «Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan»

№ 4 (4) / 2014

Issue date: 04.10.2014

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Issue articles:

Teaching foreign languages on the basis of new methods is modern requirement

“… I knew foreign languages and I had much more interesting curriculum vitae than people who didn’t have those experiences…” (Interview with in UN Resident Coordinator in Uzbekistan Stefan Priesner)

Types of repetition as a means of expression in English and Uzbek

About the role of linguaculturology in modern linguistics

The origins of cognitive linguistics

Discourse and text: the problem of definition

Similarities and differences of time conception in English, Uzbek and Russian proverbs

Quoasicitation as a kind of intertextuality in newspaper headlines

Research of new approaches in the study of a foreign languages

Usage of interactive methods in learning linguistic sciences

Vocabulary acquisition for young learners

Learning THANKSGIVING as a culture realiа

Teaching ESP writing

Personality as an important factor in foreign language learning

The direct and indirect translation problems in linguistics (continuation) (Die direkte und indirekte übersetzungsprobleme in der linguistik (Fortsetzung)

Main types and classification of synonyms

Theoretical basis of development of image

Economic and organizational basics for strengthening the country’s image in the global media space

Audience and journalism

Some thoughts about effects of monolingualism

Rauf Parfi and World poetry

Roma issues J. Alvarez of “As Garcia girls lost their accent”

Some hypotheses about the origin of infidel (kafir) tribes of the Eastern Hindu Kush

Peculiarities of borrowings in Spanish

Semantic peculiarities of phraseologisms in English and Uzbek

Teaching linguaculturology in the Spanish lessons

On study of satire and humour in uzbek folklore

At the threshold of the unpredictable

Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Law “On the State Language of the Republic of Uzbekistan”

Regulation on learning foreign languages for two years