Scientific-methodological electronic journal «Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan»

About Journal
“Foreign Languages ​​in Uzbekistan” (FLEDU.UZ) – is a peer-reviewed international scientific-methodical periodical, Open Access Journal, designed to consolidate the efforts of specialists and disseminate experience in the field of learning and teaching foreign languages, to promote the development of the national methodology for teaching foreign languages.

The Electronic Journal and Internet Portal “Foreign Languages ​​in Uzbekistan” were formed as a result of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 283 as of October 16, 2013.

Available in the list of recommended scientific editions for publication of basic scientific results of dissertations by the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The aim and task of the journal – is to promptly inform readers about the state and prospects for the development of linguistic didactics, methods of teaching languages, theoretical linguistics, translation studies, literature studies and culture, journalism, popularization of humanitarian knowledge, providing scientists with a platform for publishing the results of their scientific activities and research, and carrying out information activities.

The volume of the text of the article – 12-15 pages.

The Open Access Journal. The content of journal issues and the texts of the articles are freely available in the “Archive” section in two versions: as a book, as well as a website.

Founders of the Electronic Journal
The founders of the E-Journal and Internet portal “Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan” are the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Uzbekistan State World Languages University.

Publication frequency
The E-Journal is a continuing online web publication with no print equivalent. The publication frequency is six issues per year. The release dates are the 20th of every second month.

Articles submitted for publication, after checking for anti-plagiarism are sent for compulsory blind review.

Language of publications
The E-Journal accepts original, previously unpublished articles written in English, French, German, Uzbek, Russian and other languages.

Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Crossref, DOI (digital object identifier), eLIBRARY, E-Line, Google Scholar.

Publication fee
The cost of publication is 300 000 UZS (Uzbek sums). Payment for the publication is made by the author. Articles specially ordered by the electronic journal will be published free of charge.

D.S. Kulmamatov, DSc., Professor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
V.I. Normuradova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
V.M. Khegai, Ph.D., Associate professor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
N.D. Djusupov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
L.M. Samatova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, “Russian Language. Courses” Publishing House, Head of Department
N.K. Toshpulatova, Ph.D., associate Professor, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Contact information
Editor in chief Shukurova Gulmira Rustamovna.
Editor Kayumova Venera Favarisovna.
Telephone: +998 95 340 61 77 (from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
On the issues of the article: or

Address of the Editorial Board
21 Kichik Xalka Yuli Str., G-9A, Uchtepa District, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 100138.
Е-mail: or
