Scientific-methodological electronic journal «Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan»
№ 1 (24) / 2019
Issue date: 22.03.2019
Cover and contentIssue articles:
The Linguaculturological and Semantic Peculiarities of Military-Technical Vocabulary in Texts
Personal Pronouns in Ancient Chinese
Genitive-Dative Case of Plural Nouns in Masculine Gender (on the Materials of the Ambassadorial Books on the Relations of Russia with Khiva and Bukhara in the 17th Century)
Typology Poly Vertex Derivational Nests of the Modern Russian Language
Evolution of Theolinguistics as a Linguistic Discipline
Cyclicity and Anthropomorphicity of Time in Mythology
Representation of the Concept “Uzbeklar” in the Literary Text
Borrowed Special Vocabulary as the Most Typical Source of Expressiveness in Newspapers’ Language of Early XXI Century
Principles of Text Writing Based оn Abdulla Kadiri’s Interpretation
Methods of Creation Text
Mediatext Headline as an Important Primary Means of Establishing an Effective Speech Contact With Recipients
Key Components within the Structure of Professional Pragmalinguistic Competence
Organizing the Lessons Using Interactive Tools to Evaluate the Students
Attempts to Create Learner Corpus for ESP Students
Mathemathical Logic Elements and their Use in Philology
On Phonetic Transformations аnd their Linguocultural Peculiarities
New Media Image of Uzbekistan
Image of Wine in Lyrics of Navoi
Social Problems and Human Ideology Depicted in “Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck
Features of the Structure оf the German and Uzbek Toponymes