Article requirements
Dear authors!
Articles by master’s students, senior researchers, applicants for academic degrees, teachers, candidates and doctors of sciences, and scientists engaged in scientific research are accepted for publication. All the authors’ materials receive an expert assessment by the journal’s editorial board. The journal’s issues are formed from articles approved by reviewers and the editorial board.
Recommend length of articles should be – from 12 to 15 pages (or 7,000-9,000 words, including annotations and references). Articles for publication and information about the author(s) should be sent by e-mail or via the “submit article” button on the journal’s website.
I. Information about the author(s) should include: (Click on this link for detailed information)
- First name, Middle name, and Last name.
- Academic degree (if available).
- Academic title (if available).
- Current position.
- Place of work (full name of the represented organization (university)) indicating the city and country
- E-mail address.
- Contact phone number.
II. Requirements for the design of articles (Click on this link for detailed information)
The format of the text
- Text editor – Microsoft Word;
- Format – A4;
- Fields – 2 cm. from all sides;
- Font – Times New Roman (if necessary – another, if the font is not on the list of generally accepted ones, it should be sent as a separate file);
- Font size for the text of the article – 12, for metadata – 12;
- Line spacing – 1;
- Paragraph indentation – 1 cm;
- Page orientation – portrait, without page number insertion, no hyphenation, and without page footnotes.
- Graphs, tables, and figures – black and white, with no color fill (see instructions below).
III. Article structure (Click on this link for detailed information)
- Title of the article – 10-12 words reflecting the main purpose/idea of the article with keywords (in three languages: English, Uzbek and Russian).
- Abstract of the article in English, Uzbek and Russian (font 12, single spacing). The abstract contains a description of the main topic, relevance, novelty, goals of the work and its results. The recommended average abstract length is 180-250 words.
How to write an article abstract? (link)
- Key words and phrases (at least 5–7) in three languages – English, Uzbek, Russian – separated by semicolons.
The text of the article must include the following headings: Introduction, Main part, Conclusion, or, at the author’s choice, the article can be structured according to the IMRaD principle, i.e. include the following subheadings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. In addition, it is possible to introduce a subheading such as Acknowledgements, which expresses appreciation to colleagues for their help or for financial support of the study.
In the case of the three-part construction of the article:
In the introductory part, it is necessary to substantiate the relevance of the topic development and its novelty, set the purpose and objectives of the research, and tell about the issue’s history. When justifying relevance and novelty, it is recommended to refer to the work of predecessors in the field under study (preferably about 20). It is also necessary to describe the research material.
In the main part of the article, it is necessary to reveal the methods of investigating the problem, the results obtained, and their interpretation.
In the final part, it is necessary to summarize the results, formulate conclusions, recommendations, and indicate possible areas for further research.
The volume of the Conclusion should not exceed one page, and there should be no footnotes in this part of the article.
When constructing an article using the IMRaD formula:
Introduction (general statement of the problem in the light of its relevance, a brief review of the scientific literature on the topic, a clear statement of the purpose of the work).
The theoretical part (the theoretical basis of the study).
Research material and methodology (detailed description of the material, its volume, sources, collection and analysis procedures).The results of the study (here it is necessary to present the main results of the conducted research, bring language illustrations, tables, diagrams).
Specific requirements for the design of articles:
- Surnames and initials of the authors should be written separately by continuous spaces (use keyboard keys Ctrl + Shift + Space). For example: A. N. Nurmatov (in the article), Nurmatov A. N. (in the list of references).
- References in the text are arranged in square brackets according to the following pattern. For citations: [Kulmamatov 1994: 98] – author’s surname, year of publication, page; for footnotes – [Kulmamatov 1994].
- Examples in the text of a linguistic article are italicized.
- Bold font may be used in some cases.
IV. How to make a list of references correctly (Click on this link for detailed information)
The number of lists. Two references are provided:
- List of used literature (Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar/ Использованная литература) in the language and font of the publication in alphabetical order at the end of the article without numbers (font 12, single spacing) and includes only those sources that were cited in the body of the article;
Please note!
If the text of the article is written in English, then the literature in English is listed first in alphabetical order.
If the text of the article is written in Uzbek, then first the literature in Uzbek is put in Foydalanilgan adabiyotlaб meanwhile Cyrillic and Latin letters separately in alphabetical order.
If the article is written in Russian, first, the sources in Russian are listed in alphabetical order, then in other languages in alphabetical order).
The number of sources. At least 30 sources are recommended in original articles and scientific reviews.
Please note! The general list of references does not include:
- government documents (laws, government resolutions, speeches by public and party figures, etc.);
- newspaper articles, dictionaries;
- literary texts, journalistic sources. If it is necessary to cite these publications, footnotes are placed inside the text of the article, and sources are provided in a separate list;
- it is also undesirable to use abstracts and dissertations in the list of references, it is better to refer to the authors’ articles published on the basis of dissertation research.
Examples of design of sources for the list of references (GOST R. 7.0.5-2008)
Books and book chapters
Қудратов Т., Нафасов Т. Лингвистик таҳлил. — Т.: Ўқитувчи, 1981. — 183 б.
Кульмаматов Д. С. Среднеазиатские дипломатические документы и их русские переводы XVII в: грамоты, челобитные. — М.: Моск. педагогич. гос. ун-т, 1994. — 108 с.
Abjalova M.A. Tahrir va tahlil dasturlarining lingvistik modullari. Monografiya. — Toshkent: Nodirabegim, 2020. — 176 b.
Тер-Минасова С. Г. Реальный мир, культура, язык// Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. — М.: Слово/Slovo, 2000. — Гл. 1. — C. 35–87. — 261 с.
Антология концептов. Словарь / под. ред. В.И. Карасика, И.А. Стернина. — М.: Гнозис, 2007. — 511 с.
If the cited articles have a digital DOI identifier and an email address, they must also be specified.
In the journal
Муратова Н., Аллаяров C., Иброхимзода M. Критическое мышление и информационная грамотность — эффективные инструменты в управлении информационными ресурсами и медийными компаниями. // O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar. — 2024. — 10-jild, № 6. — C. 226–242. — URL: (дата обращения 14.01.2025) 10.36078/1710323112
Gaziyeva M., Xolmatova D. Publisistik matn sarlavhalarining pragmatik va lisoniy xususiyatlari // Journal of Advanced Research and Stability. — 2022. — № 12 (2). — B. 309–316.
Казак М. Ю. Специфика современного медиатекста // Современный дискурс-анализ. — 2012. — № 6. — C. 30–41. — URL: (дата обращения 14.01.2025)
Tu C., & Brown S. Character mediation of plot structure: Toward an embodied model of narrative // Frontiers of narrative studies, 6(1), 2020. — P. 77–112.
— in conference sources
Умарова К. Немис тилида фразеологик антонимлар ва уларнинг хусусиятлари // Молодая филология Узбекистана. Материалы Республиканской научно-практической конференции молодых ученых 15 марта 2021 года. Часть II. — Ташкент, 2021. — С. 176–179.
Григорьева М. Б. Развитие потенциала памяти студентов вуза через изучение иностранного языка // Материалы Международной научной конференции, посвящ. 100-летию Иркут. гос. ун-та. 18–21 сент. 2018 г. / отв. ред. О. Л. Михалёва. – Иркутск: Изд-во ИГУ, 2018. — С. 15–19.
Design of the second list of References
To transliterate the text in accordance with the BS standard, you can use the link
The sources in this section are designed in the style of the APA (American Psychological Association,, 7th edition.
The bibliographic data in the References are given in the following sequence: last name, first name of the author, separated by a comma, initial of the patronymic (middle name), separated by a comma, year of publication (enclosed in parentheses), period, title of the publication, place of publication and publisher.
For articles published in books and journals, the page range is indicated, for articles published in journals, the volume and issue number, and the page range are given. To describe the publication date, volume, and issue of the periodical and the pages on which the source of the link is published, use an abbreviated notation format using numbers and punctuation marks without abbreviated words. If the source is not in English, then its language is added in parentheses at the end of its description. For example: (In Uzbek.), (In Rus.)
The number of authors. All the AUTHORS should be represented in the References for each source.
Place of publication (for books). The place of publication in references should always be indicated in English (not transliterated) and in full, without abbreviations. For example: Tashkent, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, etc.
Article in the journal
1) remove the transliteration of the title of the article;
2) remove the special separators between the fields («//», «–», «.») and change them to commas;
3) we put the name of the journal in italics;
4) change “no.” to “No.” and pages – “s.” to “pp.”;
We get the final result.
Gaziyeva M., Xolmatova D. (2022). Journal of Advanced Research and Stability, No 12 (2), 309–316. (In Uzb.)
Tu, C., & Brown, S. (2020). Character mediation of plot structure: Toward an embodied model of narrative, Frontiers of narrative studies, 6 (1), 77–112.
Muratova N., Allayarov C., Ibrokhimzoda M. (2024). O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2024, vol. 10, No 6, 226–242, available at: (accessed 14.01.2025) 10.36078/1710323112 (In Rus.)
Books, book chapters
1) translate the title of the book into English and insert it behind the transliterated title in parentheses;
2) the transliterated title of the book is italicized;
3) remove the special separators between the fields («//», «–», «.»);
4) additional elements of the book description (“textbook”, “translated from …”, “3rd ed.”, etc.) omitted in both Latin and English versions.;
5) change the transliterated place of publication to the full English one.
6) leave the name of the publishing house transliterated.
Qudratov, T., Nafasov, T. (1981). Lingvistik taҳlil (Linguistic Analysis), Tashkent, Ukituvchi.
Kul’mamatov, D. S. (1994). Sredneaziatskie diplomaticheskie dokumenty i ikh russkie perevody XVII v: gramoty, chelobitnye (Central Asian diplomatic documents and their Russian translations of the KhVII in: charters, petitions), Moscow, Mosk. pedagogich. gos. un-t.
Abjalova, M.A. (2020). Tahrir va tahlil dasturlarining lingvistik modullari (Linguistic modules of editing and analysis programs), Tashkent, Nodirabegim.
Ter-Minasova S. G. Yazyk i mezhkul’turnaya kommunikatsiya (Language and intercultural communication), Moscow: Slovo, 2000, рр. 35–87 (261 р.)
If the book is a collection of articles (or a similar publication), then the editor(s) should be indicated in the place of the authors:
Karasik, V. I. & Sternin I. A. (eds.) (2007). Anthology of Concepts, Moscow: Gnozis. (In Rus.)
Conference materials
1) remove the transliteration of the title of the article (i.e. the title of the article is omitted);
2) remove the special separators between the fields («//», «–», «.»);
3) after the transliterated conference name in parentheses, write the translation of the conference name into English (paraphrase). The place and date of the conference, the type of document (conference materials, abstracts, etc.) must be provided in English only;
4) highlight the name of the conference in Latin letters in italics;
5) change the transliterated place of publication to the English full (not abbreviated) name, for example, “M.” to “Moscow” and pages – “s.” to “pp.”;
6) leave the name of the publishing house transliterated.
Umarova K. (2021). Molodaya filologiya Uzbekistana. Materialy Respublikanskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii molodykh uchenykh (Young Philology of Uzbekistan. Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists), March 15, 2021, Part II, Tashkent, pp. 176–179, available at: (In Uzb.)
Grigor’eva M. B. (2018). Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posvyashch. 100-letiyu Irkut. gos. un-ta. (Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Irkutsk State University), September 18–21, 2018, Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGU, рр. 15–19. (In Russ.)
Please note! If the cited material (article, book) is not written in Cyrillic or Latin, then References provide their bibliographic description in the APA style in English, indicating the source language.
In References, when specifying the source, authors should be separated from each other by a comma, and a “&” should be placed before the last author’s last name in the list of authors.
Design of graphs, diagrams, figures and tables
Graphs, diagrams, and drawings in the text of the article must be signed with the number and name of the drawing. All specified images are signed with the word Fig. For example: Fig. 1. Dynamics of assimilation of railway terminology by 1st year students. The fill should not be too bright, the preferred colors are green, blue, gray.
Tables in articles in Uzbek and Russian are designed in accordance with GOST: The word Table on the right of the page with the number without a dot, without font highlighting. Next, the table name, highlighted in bold, is centered.
Tables in articles in English are designed in accordance with the style of the APA: the word Table on the left of the page without font highlighting, followed by the name of the table on one line, in italics. There are no horizontal or vertical borders inside the table.
Writing common abbreviations of words in English
Вып. | Ussue |
Cтатья | article |
Том = Т. | vol. |
Серия = Сер. | ser. |
№ | No. |
Часть = Ч. | part |
Гл. | сh. |
С. | p. (в книгах) |
и др. | еt al. |
Без года = б.г. | No date = n.d. |
Без места = Б.м. | N.p. |
Спец. выпуск (раздел) | special issue (section) |
Writing the mandatory elements of the list of references in English
тезисы докладов | Abstracts of Papers |
материалы (труды) конференции … | Proceedings of the Conference Title |
материалы 3 междунар. конференции (симпозиума, съезда, семинара) | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference (Symposium, Сongress, Seminar) |
материалы II Всероссийской конференции | Proceedings of the 2nd All-Russian Conference |
материалы V Всероссийской научно-практической конференции | Proceedings of the 5th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference |
дис. … канд. наук | candidate’s thesis |
дис. … д-ра наук | Doctor’s thesis |
автореф. дис. … канд. наук | Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis |
автореф. дис. … д-ра наук | Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis |